August 16, 2022

Archers representing Limpopo!

We would like to congratulate the following archers that have been chosen to be part of the Limpopo team that will represent us in Cape Town in October.

The following 2 archers have been chosen to compete in the Senior team:

Ockert Venter

Julian White

The following Archers will represent the Junior Team:

Isak van der Schyff

Anne-Mari Botes

Phillip Loots

Henco du Plessis

Muhluri Rikhotso

MS Erasmus

Jandre Kleinhans

Helena Buhrmann

Development Team:

Muzi Sibanda

Congratulations to all of you, in the long run, you only hit what you aim for!

Archers representing Limpopo!
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