
Tennis is ‘n sosiale sportsoort wat kritiese denke verbeter, asook koördinasie en balans in kinders. Die juniors (O/7-O/9) en seniors (O/10-O/13) word apart afgerig deur vier uiters bekwame afrigters en assistente. Die juniors neem deel aan Mini-tennisdae waar hulle die geleentheid kry om wedstryde teen ander skole te speel. Hiérdie dae sorg vir groot opwinding en ernstige wedywering. Indien ‘n senior tennisspeler gekies word vir die A-, B- of C-span word hulle die geleentheid gegun om teen ander skole in Limpopo te gaan deelneem. Tennisspelers word ook in ag geneem vir die Pro Kennex Limpopo Junior ope, asook ‘n toernooi om vir SA-skole te kwalifiseer. Die ideale ouderdom vir kinders om te begin met tennis, is graad 1 en graad 2, maar dit is nooit te laat om te begin nie, en ook nooit te vroeg om op te hou nie. Dit kan selfs op 90-jarige ouderdom nog sorg vir ‘n goeie oefensessie!

Tennis is a social sport that improves critical thinking, as well as coordination and balance. The juniors (U/ 7-U/ 9) and seniors (U/ 10-U/ 13) are coached separately by four extremely competent coaches and assistants. The juniors take part in Mini-tennis days where they get the opportunity to play matches against other schools. These days cause great excitement and serious rivalry. If a senior tennis player is selected for the A, B or C team, they will be given the opportunity to compete against other schools in Limpopo. Tennis players are also considered for the Pro Kennex Limpopo Junior open, as well as a tournament to qualify for SA schools. The ideal age for children to start tennis is Grade 1 and Grade 2, but it's never too late to start, nor too early to quit. It can still provide a good workout even at the age of 90!

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