Landloop / Cross country

Laerskool Bosveld Primary se landloop is vir ons ‘n hoogtepunt, hier word massa-deelname aangemoedig. Tydens oefening word aandag gegee aan aspekte soos spoed, uithouvermoë en kragwerk. Ons skep ‘n gemaklike atmosfeer waarbinne ‘n atleet sy/haar volle potensiaal kan ontwikkel en ook sosiale vaardighede te verbeter. Gereeldte oefening en selfdissipline help om doelwitte te bereik. Ons is ook baie trots om te kan sê dat ons elke jaar ‘n groot hoeveelheid leerders het wat in die sportsoort Provinsiale kleure verwerf.

Laerskool Bosveld Primary's Cross Country season is a highlight for us. Mass participation is encouraged. During practice, attention is paid to aspects such as speed, endurance and strength. We create a comfortable atmosphere in which an athlete can develop his / her full potential and also improve social skills. Regular practice and self-discipline help to achieve goals. We are also very proud to say that we have a large number of learners who obtain Provincial colours in this sport every year.

nuutste nuus / latest news

April 13, 2024

Bosveld Landloop skop af met 'n vlieënde wegspring👟

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August 13, 2022

Bossie Landloop Droomspan / Bossie Cross Country Dream Team

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