Dress code

The prescribed school uniform must be worn during school hours as well as other school activities, as determined by the Governing Body.
School uniform must be clean and neat at all times. As for vests, boys may only wear plain white vests, which may not be visible under any circumstances.
School shoes must be neat and polished, alternatively learners may be barefoot in summer. Tackies may only be worn with Bossie clothes.
School jerseys/ dri-macs may not be tied around the waist.
Bossie clothes may only be worn on the following days:
The day on which the learner has his/her birthday or on Friday if he/she is celebrating his/her birthday during the weekend.
The Friday if he/she stood during assembly for scoring 80% or more in a test.
The Friday after a sports team has won during the week.
The day the grade group has Physical Education.
As arranged with the school Principal.
The Student Council may wear Bossie clothes every Friday.
Provincial and National clothing
Learners who obtained Provincial or National colours may wear the track suit on a Friday, only during the year in which the colours were obtained. No practise or inappropriate clothes will be allowed.
Track suit tops may not be worn with school uniform.
boys Dress code
Winter: Light blue school shirt, grey school trousers, dark blue school socks, black school shoes, dark blue windbreaker, school jersey / pull-over.
Winter Bossie clothes: Dark blue Bossie shirt, dark blue sweatpants, neat tackies, dark blue socks, dark blue windbreaker.
Summer: Light blue school shirt, dark blue school pants, dark blue school socks, black school shoes or be barefoot.
Summer Bossie clothes: Dark blue Bossie shirt, dark blue Bossie pants or dark blue rugby shorts, neat tackies, dark blue socks or be bare feet.
girls Dress code
Winter: Light blue school shirt, grey school trousers, dark blue school socks, black school shoes, dark blue windbreaker, school jersey / pull-over. OR .Checkered school dress with belt, long dark blue school socks, black school shoes, dark blue windbreaker, school jersey / pull-over.
Winter Bossie clothes: Dark blue Bossie shirt, dark blue sweatpants, neat tackies, dark blue socks, dark blue windbreaker.
Summer: Checkered dress with belt, short dark blue school socks, black school shoes or be bare feet.
Summer Bossie clothes: Dark blue Bossie shirt, dark blue Bossie shorts, neat tackies, dark blue socks or bare feet (girls are not allowed to wear rugby shorts).
Any caps or headgear, other than those prescribed in the rules, are prohibited.
The school principal may use his/her own discretion to grant per-mission for learners to wear casual clothes to certain events. Such clothes must be neat and proper.
When a learner attends any sports event or any other event presented by the school, as a spectator, he/she must be neatly dressed in Bossie clothes or School uniform.
Parents are urgently requested to make sure that their children's hair is clean and neat. Make sure to look for lice regularly, which are highly contagious. The school cannot be held responsible. Please note that any other head skin disease may also be harmful and contagious.
Parents are further requested to act preventively to protect their children against hair lice and appropriate products are recommended. Lice usually appear as soon as the season change.
Hair colour must seem natural at all times. No unnatural highlights or lowlights are allowed.
Hair that extends over the collar must be tied.
Only hair accessories (ribbons, head band and bobbles) that fit in with the school’s colours may be worn. (Blue, red and white).
Hair must be properly tied, with no loose ends.
False hairpieces: Only half-head, flattened and tied.
Hair must be short and neatly cut.
There may be no hair in the section around the ears. Hair may not touch the ears when it is combed straight down.
When hair is combed down/ forward, it may not touch the eyebrows.
Sideburns may extend up to the middle of the ear.
Hair at the back must be gradually layered.
Hair may not spike out excessively. No weird hairstyles are allowed.
No undercuts will be allowed.
No hair sculpting products allowed, like mouse, gel, wax or hairspray.
Hair colour must seem natural at all times. No unnatural highlights or lowlights are allowed.
Jewellery items, such as rings, bracelets (elastic or leather) or chains, are prohibited.
Only wristwatches are allowed. No e-watches or other devices.
The wearing of body jewellery, such as nose, tongue and eyebrow jewellery, is strictly prohibited.
As for girls’ earrings, only one gold or silver stud or standard gold or silver ring will be allowed per ear, worn in the bottom hole if the ears had been pierced more than once. No other studs or gems will be allowed.
Boys are not allowed to wear any jewellery accept a wristwatch.
Medic-Alert and Crisis-on- call bands may be worn.
Wearing of prayer-bands must be pre-arranged with the Principal.
Nails may not extend the fingertips. Nails must be cut short and kept clean at all times.
No nail polish/gel may be worn.
No foundation, mascara, eyeliner or blusher will be allowed.
No lip gloss.